Shams Power Company is fully committed in implement BCM.

“Today, business continuity management is being unquestionably recognized as an increasingly important element in the emergency and crisis management process. Building this capability requires support and encouragement by top management to ensure additional resources are put into use, which would help the organization continue performing its critical and essential functions during an emergency until full recovery.

Business Continuity Management aims at building an organization’s capability to continue functioning and delivering its prioritized activities when its operations are disrupted due to emergencies or crises. For the purpose of enhancing the UAE’s national stability, companies shall ensure the ongoing performance of its prioritized functions and services in both the public and private sectors under the leadership and supervision of the National Emergency Crisis and Disaster Management Authority (NCEMA) that is operating under the umbrella of the Supreme Council for National Security in UAE.”
Source: NCEMA, “Business Continuity Management Standard Specifications AE/SCNS/NCEMA 7000:2015”

Shams Power Company is fully committed to implement the BCM framework across the company. A BCM Policy has been duly approved by the company management and has been communicated across Shams and all its interested parties.